Sold [Selling] WTS Two End Game Trove Accounts

Discussion in 'Trove Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Trove Account: Cheap & Safe' started by frothylager, 1/7/18.

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  1. frothylager

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    First account: GOD TIER
    - NN - For speed farming - 21.516k
    - DT - For Shadow Towers (Can easily solo first two ST) With this class you can also get Purple name if you want to. - 21.640k
    - SH - 20.881k+

    - All DDE + 2 Extra Diamond Dragon Egg for when they implement another Primordial Dragon.
    - All Dragons, including Disaeon The Immortal, Ganda, etc.
    - Max MF
    - LOTS of cosmetics and stuff for all the classes.

    Price - 350€, Paypal

    Second account: High End
    - Max MF
    - GANDA
    - Fortras
    - Albairn
    - All primordial dragons
    - 21K+ Ragespeed build NN (SH works just as fine, even if you don't switch out the gems from NN to SH.
    - 20k SH
    - 2 Worlds

    Price - 200€, Paypal

    Contact me via skype or the website for more info or screenshots
    Skype - dennis.antman1
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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