Sold Selling Wts tera eu veteran account with sorcerer +15 vm7 and mystic +13 vm6

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by htfire, 10/4/16.

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  1. htfire

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    I'm selling my account that is veteran and was created in the launch back in 2012.

    The main characters are on Killian server and they are the following:

    One Sorcerer with +15 VM7 Imperator weapon with full etchings 3 (etching 2 on glove) full dyads and full pvp gear with perfect rolls for this and next patch (conflate, vm7, pvp jewelery).
    One Mystic with +15 Starfall weapon with conflate gear (no dyads or etchings).
    Another level 65 Sorcerer for farm (starfall+ dreadnaught gear).
    Another Mystic for farm (dreadnaught gear).
    And some random characters that were made.

    The account has the 4 bank tabs and max characters per server are 8.

    It also has lots of premium costumes,mounts etc...

    For more information about the account or to buy PM me or leave your contact below.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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