Sold Selling Wts tank shillien knight 101 (70%) / iss hieropant 101 (5%) exalted

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by d4rkwind, 2/4/17.

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  1. d4rkwind

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    Server CHRONOS

    Toon have all skills +10 on main and dual class. It is naked.

    Dyes on Tank +15 CON and on Iss +15 LUCK. Rose and Rudolph agathions.

    +7 Shiny Elemental Shirt.
    56 x Immortal Scroll's.
    250 x Scroll: 500kk XP

    Brooches (4-Slot):

    LVL 4 Diamond
    LVL 4 Pearl
    LVL 2 Tanzanite
    LVL 3 Obsidian
    LVL 2 Topaz
    LVL 3 Emerald
    LVL 2 Vital Stone
    LVL 1 Garnet
    LVL 1 Cat's Eye
    LVL 1 Aquamarine
    LVL 1 Tanzanite

    7-Day 200% XP III Rune (Level 100+).
    7-Day 200% SP Rune.
    30 x Vitality Maintaining Potion (1-hour).
    29 x Erupting Vitality Potion.
    10 x XP Buff 50% (1-hour).
    21 x 1-hour Birthday Vitality Potion.

    122 Maphr's Luck Scrolls. 150 x Brez's.
    1921 Daily Coins

    It's Exalted. Aria's CON and STR.

    For additional info's pm me here.

    Please not scammers. You will pay first and after payment i'll give the account.

    Price: 300$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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