Selling Wts\t account (wow legion, ow, diablo 3 + ros, hearthstone, hots)

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DefAge, 10/24/17.

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  1. DefAge

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    Hello. I want to sell my personal account, with World Of Warcraft Legion, Overwatch, Diablo 3 + Reaper Of Souls, Hearthstone with a decent collection of cards, and HoTS.

    Reason for selling: I got burnout from Blizzard games.

    Here is some info about account, but if you have any questions\want to see screenshots, please, feel free to PM me or leave message here.


    Hearthstone (EU):

    All adventures (from the very first, Naxxramas) are fully unlocked. 34 legendary cards, bunch of epics, hero portraits - Medivh, Lady Liadrin, Maiev and Morgl.


    Pre-order exclusive Wodwmaker Noir Skin. 382 lvl, 1 golden gun, ton of legendary and epic skins. Seasons placements are not completed (0\10), so if you are a good player, you can strart the season with highter rank than my usual (mid gold).


    Alpha and beta tester badge, 25+ heroes, annoucer, 80+ lvl, bunch of skins and mounts.

    WoW (EU):

    Upgraged to latest expansion - legion.No game time. DH [havoc} 110lvl, 870ilvl, 2 legendary. Priest {shadow} 106lvl. + few other characters, but they are all below 100.DH has maxed leatherworking and skinning.

    Diablo 3 + Reaper of Souls [eu]:

    Few max level characters, alot of materials\gold, paragon level 300+

    Price: 60$. I will accept Paypal, Webmoney, Qiwi. Also can trade my account for your GW2 Path of Fire Key\account (any account will do aslong as it works and have POF).

    Will work with a middleman, if you request.

    With purchase of this account you will get: account itself, full access to email, all info regardless account (secret question\answer, birth date etc). Also I can provide my ID card, so you can contact Blizzard support, if you ever experience any trouble with this account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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