Selling WTS swtor acct w/ 7 65s+6 60s + 2 55s on US+EU, top 1% pvp player 12k cc 10m +

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by canuhealme, 8/22/16.

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  1. canuhealme

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    SWTOR US/EU account for $600 USD (I am willing to change so just contact me at ylin.987524 on skype)

    NOTE: My account mainly revolved around PVP and I was rank top 1% of the players on the leaderboard from S1-S4 in both solo ranked and team ranked.

    12.5k cartel coins with characters on both US and EU servers.
    - also I have just about 60-80 referral players on my account, which means I pretty much get infinite cartel coins.
    10m + credits on US servers and 2.1m + credits on EU servers.

    Also have rare pvp rewards such as furious weapons and Rancor mount from season 1.
    Proof: (as you can see I have Rancor mount and also Fantastically Furious title from season 3 and this isn't the only character I hold these rewards)

    I have tier 1 rewards from ranked pvp season 1 to season 4 on multiple toons. I also have most legacy perks unlocked.

    Also have unopened Hypercrate: Force Alliance Packs which contains 30 Force Alliance Packs:

    Below is a list of my characters:
    level 65 Sith Sorcerer - Harbinger - tier 1 rewards from s2/s3/s4/s5
    level 65 Sith Marauder - Harbinger - tier 1 rewards from s1/s2/s3 (maybe s4 i forgot)
    level 65 Sith Juggernaut - Harbinger - tier 1 rewards from s2/s3
    level 65 Sith Assassin - Harbinger - tier 1 rewards from s2/s3/s4/s5
    level 65 Powertech - Harbinger - tier 1 rewards from s2/s3(?)
    level 65 Operative - Harbinger
    level 60 Sith Assassin - Tomb of Freedon Nadd
    level 60 Jedi Shadow - The Red Eclipse
    level 60 Gunslinger - Harbinger - tier 1 rewards from s4
    level 60 Jedi Sage - Harbinger - tier 1 rewards from s3/s4/s5
    level 60 Sniper- Harbinger - tier 1 rewards from s2
    level 60 Jedi Shadow - Bastion - tier 1 rewards from s4/s5
    level 60 Jedi Guardian - Ebon Hawk - tier 1 rewards from s3/s4
    level 55 Jedi Sentinel - Bastion - tier 1 rewards from s3/s4/s5
    level 55 Mercenary - Shadowlands

    NOTE: All my level 65 toons are fully geared/augmented for pvp.

    Proof: playerup says I can only post 3 links at most T_T
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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