Sold Selling Wts summoner hm11 841 ap 65.38$

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Adhafera, 4/30/17.

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  1. Adhafera

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    Main Summoner HM 11 841 AP with:
    - Baleful Stage 4 con gemme: Hexagonal peridot, Heptagonal Diamond, Hexagonal Citrine, Hexagonal Ruby e Hexagonal Amethyst;
    - 5 Legendary Soulshield MSP (PVE)
    - 5 Legendary Soulshield PVP with other 41 Galaxy Fragments
    - Oath Necklace Stage 5
    - Destiny Ring Stage 5
    - Crafting guilds: Soul Warden- Merry Potters lvl 4
    - Some HM skill unlocked
    - Premium rank 3
    - Server Greenhollow (Group 2), Faction CERULEAN
    -There are almost 200 Nc and 120 gold, with the 12th April patch there are materials for more weapon upgrade.
    FOR MORE INFORMATION, SCREENSHOT PLEASE CONTACT ME HERE,OR FOR EMAIL: [email protected] . I'm avaiable to talk in ts or discord for any question. Thanks for the attention:D

    VENDO : 70 EURO
    Main Summoner HM 11 731 AP con:
    - Baleful Stage 4 con gemme: Hexagonal peridot, Heptagonal Diamond, Hexagonal Citrine, Hexagonal Ruby e Hexagonal Amethyst;
    - 5 Soulshield leggendari MSP (PVE)
    - 5 Soulshield leggendari PVP con altri 41 Galaxy Fragments
    - Oath Necklace Stage 5
    - Destiny Ring Stage 5
    - Gilde Crafting: Soul Warden- Merry Potters lvl 4
    - Varie hm skill sbloccate
    - Premium rank 3
    - Server Greenhollow (Gruppo 2), Fazione CERULEAN
    -All'interno ci sono ancora all'incirca 200 Nc e 100 gold, Con la nuova patch uscita il 12 Aprile e lo sconto sulle armi ci sono i materiali per evolvere l'arma a ulteriori stage.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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