Sold Selling WTS Summoner 100/ Feoh 99 Chronos

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by reytexas, 1/5/17.

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  1. reytexas

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    Main feoh soulhound appearance Elf Male Lvl 99 - 16 Ap / Dual Wynn Elemental Master Lvl 100 - 16 Ap



    -undying will
    -elementd crash + 4 wind
    -elemntal destuction +5power
    -death breath +3 slow
    -elmental storm +3 wind
    -mass devils curse +3 power
    -physical soul barrier +5 time
    -crystal form +1 major
    -double casting +4 time
    -arcana barrier +4 magic shield
    - wizard spirit +4 time
    -wizard spirit +4 time
    -lightning shock +10 chance
    -hell bidig +5 chance

    {-warehouse 100 slot inventory 110 }with out items
    +inventory 15.000
    +inventory slot +18
    +expand inventory
    +expand common craft

    -dyes for feoh -

    -lengentary wit lv5
    WIT +5 MEN+1 wind resist +25
    -giant' int lv5 INT+5
    -lengendary int dyes INT+5 WINT+1 water resist. +25


    -undying will
    -summon barrier +2 major
    -servitor doth whisper +5 shield
    -mass servitor unimate defence +4 might
    -mass servitor blessing +3 major
    -dimensiond binding +3 chance
    -mark of weakness +5 power
    -mark void +5 power
    -markof plague +7 power
    -mark of trick +5 power
    -exile +3 chance
    -charig equipment
    -bes. soulshot for pet x572.065

    {-warehouse 106 slot inventory 104}with out items

    -summoner dyes-

    x2 lv1 STR DYES LUCK
    STR+3 LUC+1
    -lengedaryDEX DYE
    DEX +3 LUC+1

    ---Items No Tradables---

    -weapon c grade
    active:momentarily becomes invincible
    -weapon c grade
    active:temporarily increasses p. atack
    -weapon c grade
    active:temporarily increases damge reflect resis tance
    -blaze shirt
    speed +7 STR 1 INT 1 CON 1 MEN 1
    -rising shirt
    speed +7 STR 1 INT 1
    -botl of istina
    -botl of octavis
    -istina crystal x13
    -octavis crystal x16
    -daily coins x664
    -imortal scroll x10***
    -petra x517
    -energy of destuction x262
    =arias bracelet WIT
    -enhanced instina bracelet
    -arias bracelet int
    -lucky enchant stone armor x13
    -lucky enchant weapon x6
    -birthay bitality potion x16
    -b ress x2
    -b soe x38
    -turtle ascetic
    -steel door gluild coin x343
    -mentees mark x62.160
    -mark of batl x2.303
    -lavie en rose's booch 2 slot
    -ruby lv2
    -sapphire lv3
    -aquamarine lv1
    -XP rune 50% for 5 hors (1-100+)lvs
    -maphr's wind scroll x8
    -olympiad tocken x125.010
    -aku's mark x15
    -mark of the resistance x11
    -cloak clack custl
    -cloak of darknes
    -cloak of light
    -cloak feoh
    -cloak summoner
    resist sleep
    resist drag
    resist binding
    resist binding
    -olympiad token x125.010
    -aku's mark x15
    -mark of resistance x11
    -bound seraph sigili +4
    -aguthion fairy

    -black talismam
    -seecian talisman R99 MP recover
    -yelow talisman


    -spirit shaman summon wistle
    -rose neckles (rose buff)
    -summon neclece
    -fame 826.888
    -PVP/PK 406/0
    -raid point 504


    XP buff 50 (1-Hr) x10
    Erupting Vitality XP Potion x10
    Ertheia's Rare Accessory pack x1
    Mysterious Wind Scroll x10
    Rune Exp 100% For 7 days x1

    and i have seraph leathar light armor

    with skill armor Raibow warrio recovery 100%hp + 30%cp

    Only Paypal €€
    Skype: leodidas987
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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