Selling WTS Strong Global 1-2 Accs 420lvl

Discussion in 'Monster Warlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Psytrancer, 10/30/16.

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  1. Psytrancer

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    Hello everyone.
    Selling some different accounts on G1 G2 and other servers.

    1. G2. 420lvl VIP 13
    420 lvl , Dmg 4,5+ Trill
    Squad Damage Unbuff
    (without Guild & Eb buff)
    •••163+ bil •••
    1,175 Stam / 180 energy
    Tap Ooparts: +3% Comb, Energy, Dmg Both items / Stam and other..
    This precious acc was growing with love&carry for past 2,5+ years
    •••• Price: 319€ •••• ®Possible 2 make # , but not huge.®
    ****************** ~~Main account.~~

    G2. VIP 12
    420 LvL Dmg: 1.5+ Trill
    Stam: 2,005
    Tap Warlord: items 29/30
    one left to complete tap once and for all.
    Price: 222$ PayPal

    G2. VIP 11
    408 LvL Dmg: 940+ bil
    Stam: 1,673 / energy: 500
    Small stack of eggs:
    (20 cel / 300 myst / 30 legend)
    All mines.
    Tap: almost empty, didn't waste time on it.
    Price: 115$ +/-

    GLOBAL 1: VIP 11
    420 LVL Dmg: 1,1+ Trill
    Stam: 700 Energy: 1,070
    Eggs: 888 Mysterious / 209 legend /
    97 Cellist / 18 void.
    Jewels: 6,700+ / Honor: 35,164
    Price: 122$ PayPal

    G1 Vip 9
    372 LvL Dmg 370+bil
    Energy 1,518/ 150 Stam / Jw 2,500+
    tap: + 3% comb / Stam / Skull
    Eggs: Cellist: 72 Legend: 71 Myst: 217
    Price: 55$ +/- PayPal

    G2 VIP 11
    420 LVL Dmg: 2,6+ Trill
    Stam: 700 energy 340
    Jewels: 6,500+
    |||||||| GIANT STACK OF EGGS: ||||||
    ••••+Trillion Damage, after cracking••••
    Mysterious: 6,008 • legend: 1,000 •
    Celestial: 500 • Void:50•
    lots of pokemons for towers/collections.
    Price: 333$ +/- PayPal.

    Guild LeveL 9
    Server: Global 2
    Price: 50$

    ******* Halloween Sale *******
    Global 1 || VIP 10
    LvL 420 | Damage: 1,5 +Trillion!

    •••••• For only: 77$ ••••••••

    Global 1|| VIP 12 (5pts left to 12lvl)
    LvL 399 || 675+ Bil Dmg.
    Stam: 852 || Energy: 1,010
    1,800+ jewels. || 12,000 Honor
    Tons of Meat 4 comb / towers.
    Price: 66,66 $ PayPal

    Global 2 | VIP 11
    LvL 420 | 1,4+ Trillion Dmg | Stamina: ~1,300
    Tap +28% Dmg +10 energy regen and skull.
    **** Holiday Price 122$ ****

    Enjoy MW as we were in past.
    Only one invest in MW acc saving 4+ month of your own time!
    & U will enjoy game + skip newbie troubles..
    On my 3+ years experience, *****it's worth it.....

    Only serious buyers. No trade, beg & keg.
    Thanks for your time. Happy Halloween!

    *****AND MORE *****
    Good accounts on different servers.
    For your budget.
    Thanks for your time.
    Have a nice Sunday evening.

    Main acc: Global 2
    [Brave ♥ Heart] PsyTrancerr
    3+ years wasted on this game..

    PayPal only.

    For more info / screenshots
    contact: Line: Psytrancer
    Pal+: PsyTrancerr
    Kik: DarkPsytrancer
    Whatsapp: +79161889751
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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