Selling Selling WTS Startrek online acc with Jem´Hadar Attack ship

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lithalium, 9/8/17.

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  1. lithalium

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    This is one of my alt. accounts i havent used it for a while so i want to sell this.
    main character is a lvl 57 Rom Federation male character

    13 Bridge officer Slots on the main toon
    6 Character slots.
    Member of a level 65 fleet. every holding is maxed and accessable


    Jem´Hadar Attack Ship T5U (R&D Box Ship) This ship is extremely rare and goes currently on the AH for around 1.2 billion Energy Credits and online available for $239.99
    Jem´Hadar Heavy Dreadnaught Carrier T5U. (Lobi Ship) this ships comes equiped with 2 Elite Jem´Hadar attack ship hangars as well. online for around $39.99 ingame on the AH around 300 mil. energy credits
    Jem´Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier T5U. (Lockbox ship) online available for $43.99 ingame on the AHaround 150 mil. credits
    Scimitar Dreadnaught Warbird T5U (Zen Store)
    T´Varo Light warbird Retrofit T5 (Zen Store)
    Tactical Escort Refit T4 (Zen Store)
    Arkala Tactical warbird T4 (Zen Store)
    Elachi Monbosh Battleship T5U (Lobi Store) online available for $78.99 ingame on the AH around 300 mil. energy credits
    Elachi S Golth Escort T5U (Lockbox Ship) ingame on the AH around 100 mil. energy credits
    Ferengi NaFar Shuttle
    Risian Corvette (Event Ship)
    Risian Luxery Ship (Even Ship)
    and some f2p ships in drydock

    Other stuff worth to mention

    Elite Jem´Hadar attack ship hangers x2. (only available from the fleet holding if you own a jem hadar attack ship)
    Undine Biotech Battlearmor (Lobi Store)
    Shard of Possibilities (Event)
    Red Matter Capacitor (Event)
    Ophidian Cane (Event)
    Bioneural Infusion Circuits (Lobi Store)
    32 Dilithium Mining Claims

    the main toon has also the full Silent enemy set (600 lobi together) with the haywire effect. (flying yellow green orbs around the ship)

    I used to multiclient with this account alongside with 4 other accounts with jem hadar dreadnaughts and attack ship pets. with 5 jem hadar dreadnaughts and elite jem hadar attack ship hangars (Deploying 12 jem hadar attack ship pets at the same time) i was able to solo ISA and KVA
    Although an alt account i have spend over the years quit a some of money in this account. This is a nice startup account for someone who has joined STO recently and already want to show of with ultra rare ships and features. The account is not a lifetime account but has all the pros becoming a high end account. i am looking for a price around [ $75 USD but we can bargain about the price. I am also willing to trade this account for a lvl 55 plus Archeage Account (NA Reckoning West) just pm me your offer.



    below a vid from this account together with 2 other accounts of mine. multiclienting on defara. all boffs complete in lobi armor

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  2. grenzwert

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