Sold Selling WTS -- Snowpine Vanguard and SpiritShaper lvl 57&59 w/ Founder's Pack Tier 3

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by idoknowu, 4/11/17.

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  1. idoknowu

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    WTS -- Snowpine Vanguard and SpiritShaper lvl 57;59 respectively w/ Founder's Pack Tier 3

    Vanguard has
    - +10 all gears: weap, sub-weap, armors, necklace, earrings, rings
    - all gears are maxed with 4 tier via tier beads
    - 106k GS
    - Lvl 49 Permanent and Rebirth Spirit Crystals
    - 2 kinds of stats and skills for PVP and PVE
    - multiple costumes

    Spiritshaper has
    - +9/10 all gears
    - 100k GS
    - all gears are maxed with 4 tier via tier beads
    - Decent Soul Grid
    - 2 kinds of stats and skills for PVP and PVE
    - still has Premium Packs activated for 60+ more days. all 3 types of Premium Packs
    - 2 kinds of stats and skills for PVP and PVE
    - multiple costumes
    PM offers... 2 chars on 1 account # price. feel free to PM


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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