Selling Selling WTS Shadowverse Account with all Prebuild Set 1 decks / 67 legendary cards

Discussion in 'Shadowverse Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shinizame, 8/20/17.

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  1. Shinizame

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    Hallo everybody!!

    Going to sell my Shadowverse Account here due to personnel reasons. (Became a father and got quite busy lately haha)...

    The account is ranked A0 and contains all Set 1 Prebuild decks and the respective golden legendary cards, which did cost me 14,000 crystals, and thus i spent about EUR 150.

    The account contains 67 legendary cards:

    Merlin (Prebuild GOLDEN): 3x
    Sea Queen Otohime (Prebuild GOLDEN): 3x
    Queen Vampire (Prebuild GOLDEN): 3x
    Ancient Elf (Prebuild GOLDEN): 3x
    Cerberus (Prebuild GOLDEN): 3x
    Dark Dragoon Forte (Prebuild GOLDEN): 3x
    Jeanne D'Arc (Prebuild GOLDEN): 3x

    Princess Snow White: 1x
    Aurelia, Regal Saber: 3x
    Sun Oracle Pascale: 1x
    Bloody Mary: 3x
    Dark Jeanne: 1x
    Crystalia Tia: 3x
    Albert, Levin Saber: 3x
    Fairy Princess: 1x
    Moon Al-mi'rai: 3x
    Sahaquiel: 1x
    Lord of the Flies: 2x
    Luficer: 2x
    White Wolf of Eldwood: 1x
    Arch Summoner Erasmus: 1x
    Spawn of the Abyss: 1x
    Dark Angel Olivia: 1x
    Fafnir: 3x
    Prince of Darkness: 1x
    Bloodhungry Matriarch: 1x
    Odin: 1x
    Deepwood Anomaly: 1x
    Nephtys: 3x
    Mythril Golem: 3x
    Imperial Dragoon: 2x
    Bahamut: 3x
    Zeus: 1x

    The account contains also a respectable amount of other golden/non golden cards as well as 8,780 vials, thus any deck can be created in no time!!

    Considering the full set 1 of prebuild decks worth EUR 150 as well as the considerable amount of other cards and vials, the account has an effective value of EUR 200 or more. Nevertheless im going to sell this account for EUR 65,00 to be paid via paypal.

    Please let me know if you are interested. Just PM me.
    First come first served.
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