Selling Selling Wts> Pso2 Ship 2 Account, With High End gear.

Discussion in 'Phantasy Star Online 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ethereal48, 10/9/17.

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  1. Ethereal48

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    Hello, I want to help my friend to sell his account.
    He has 3 characters, main chars class:
    -Hunter(Lv 80)
    -Fighter(Lv 80)
    -Ranger(Lv 14)
    -Gunner(Lv 58)
    -Force(Lv 80)
    -Techer(Lv 80)
    -Braver(Lv 75)
    -Bouncer(Lv 75)
    -Summoner(Lv 26)
    -Hero(Lv 80)

    for more ss what will you get inside after you buy this account is here:

    start price at $800 feel free to negotiate.
    Discord: Clar#6881(Owner of this acc)
    if he not fast respond you can also contact me in Discord: Sya#4771.
    but still better you contact the owner instead, thanks playerup.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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