Sold [Selling] WTS Professional farming silvers BDO, 1mil - 0.65$ also farming Items and 1$ is 1CP

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Progamerspower, 8/24/16.

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  1. Progamerspower

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    Cheap price,great quality *leveling is done only by hands!* We do All service for BDO Leveling , Contribution,Energy,Connecting NODs Items etc.
    You can request that to we do share screen any time to u make sure service will be done by hand -- NOT USING BOT OR ANY KIND OF HACKS

    Attachment 26506
    Silvers 1mil 0.65$
    CP 1$ 1CP

    BLACK FRIDAY # 15% Check with us new price send us Private Message

    We using PayPal.Skrill and WU .

    Attachment 26259
    1-50 lvl - 28$
    15-50 lvl - 20$
    25-50 lvl - 18$
    35-50 lvl - 15$
    40-50 lvl - 12$
    45-50 lvl - 8$

    50-51 lvl - 20$
    51-52 lvl - 20$
    52-53 lvl - 25$
    53-54 lvl - 35$
    54-55 lvl - 40$
    55-56 lvl 70$
    56-57 lvl 135$
    57-58 -59 - 60 lvl will discous on PM

    EVERY ORDER OVER 55lvl will get bonus Witch Earning

    Please contact me in Private Message or reply on post , then i will provide you my skype , msg, email
    Im always online
    #1 Progamerspower, 8/24/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 12/17/16
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