Sold Selling WTS Plex/Injectors/Items 1bil = 6$

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by Rageflow, 4/13/17.

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  1. Rageflow

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    I do not sell ISK directly, only items ( PLEX, Injectors, Extractors, etc.) as i don't see any safe way to do that.
    Prices are calculated based on the standard :
    1bil = 6$
    I will only trade with characters that are at least 1 month old.

    Skype: nemezonsezasternemetron

    PayPal Info ( Must Read ):

    You need to be Paypal Verified
    Send as gift/sending to family or friends
    Below the payment click on "Add a note" and Copy & Paste(remember to replace the yellow text with your id) :
    I will not dispute this payment as it is a purchase of virtual goods. I have received the goods, I am satisfied with what I have bought and acknowledge that it is in working conditions.My skype id is "your skype id".

    You will pay first and then i will deliver.
    Trade will be made via jettison in Perimeter system.

    What I can guarantee:

    I farm the ISK manually. No bots, no suppliers, no reselling.
    That is why I can produce only a limited amount of ISK per day.
    The method used to give you the Items is one of the safest.(I have been selling ISK for almost 2 years now and i have never been banned).

    I can be found online usually between 6:00 - 21:00 EVE time

    After a trade is completed I would really appreciate it if you would post on my thread expressing your satisfaction/dissatisfaction with my services

    Thank you and Have Nice Day !

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