Sold Selling WTS > Nexon KR Account (Elsword KR Account) Cheap!

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Arcsville, 8/25/17.

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  1. Arcsville

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    Sell My Elsword KR Account w/ this spec

    -Chara (Server Gaia) :
    -Rena :
    -GA(Transcendence) Lv 99 (Main Chara)
    -TBGS+Acc Enhanced Dragonic Fear +8 + Eltrion MK.2 Weap +9 Unique (W/Good Socket)
    -IB : EO HatHTBGS+Acc + Thanatos W + Acc
    - White Miho Suit
    -Ereda Island Unique Ring + Neck
    -Much Title (almost all NPC title + Light Speed)
    -Much Fashion Thing Like Magic Wardobe ,Chara Cutom
    -Profession Treasure Hunter Lv 9
    -Pet Hoya And Red Miho
    -2 mount Ascalon + Red Lord Of Inferno
    -All Skill Unlocked
    -Already Unlock Much Inventory Slot
    -Potion Slot Expansion already unlocked
    -WS Lv 85
    -TBGS Ancient Guardian +8 , Drabaki Weapon +9 (w/ Good Socket)
    - IM Costume + ET S1 Acc
    - Pet Thanato
    - Mount Jet Ski E77-DX
    - Light Speed Title
    - All Skill Except Basic Unlocked
    - Potion Slot Expansion already unlocked

    -Elesis : CrA Lv 85
    - AA HTBGS + EO Weapon + Acc
    - Light Speed Title + Many More Title
    -Grendized Glitter Berseker BGSW+8 + Acc + Dragonic Force T+8+Acc
    -Red Hameling Mount
    -All Skill Unlocked
    -Rose :
    -CR(Transcendence) Lv 90
    - IM Costume + AA weapon + Wing
    - Legendary MK.2 Eltrion Neck
    - Grendized MK 4 TBGS +8
    - Light Speed Title
    - Pet Hoya
    - All Skill Except HA and Tanscendence Unlocked

    -Basic Lv70
    -Raven : BM Lv 85
    -Chung : Basic Lv 70
    (GA,WS,CrA,CR B Slot Unlocked)

    -El Resonance Unlocked Lv 53 now
    -Sharebank already unlocked (Unlock Some slot for shared bank too)
    -And many more

    I sell this only for 100$!#,via paypal

    contact :
    Discord :
    Arcsville#5249 (Fast Respone)
    Skype : [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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