Sold Selling Wts na dfo 8 rare avatar sets (with gold emblem installed)

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by daofka, 9/17/17.

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  1. daofka

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    Selling Rare Avatar sets (with gold emblem installed) in North American server, 8sets!

    -F NemiesisMystic full set (full gold emblem installed)
    -M Indra Majestic full set (full gold emblem installed)
    -M Tyrant Mystic full set (full gold emblem installed)
    -DraconidMyscis full set (full gold emblem installed)
    -Demon God Mystic full set (full gold emblem installed)
    -F Nen Empress Mystic full set, (full gold emblem installed)
    -BattleSaint Eternal full set (full gold emblem installed)
    -Dark knight Infernal full set full gold emblem installed)

    I specified gender and job for each avatar set in the list above, because each avatar set and gold emblem options are met for specific job (considering top avatar skill options, intel vs str, magic crit vs phy crit, etc). I sell them either separately or all together depending on your offer! PM me if you are interested or pm my Skype at dabotop2.
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