Selling Wts na bnet sccount : Wow(legion), overwatch, and d3.

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Aaring, 1/31/17.

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  1. Aaring

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    as the title states trying to get rid of my bnet account with the following games.
    no longer have the time to play these games any more so trying to get rid of what I have.

    WOW account:
    My wow account has come a long way have had this account since Burning Crusade.
    has legion expansion currently with about a month left of time.
    3 level 110s : Warrior, Hunter, and Priest
    Hunter is 875 iLvl with about 20k gold on Illidan horde, level 25 artifact knowledge with 2 legendary slots
    Priest is 850 iLvl with 510k gold on Zul'jin horde, level 15 artifact knowledge he is also shadow.
    Warrior is 860 iLvl with 10k gold on Zul'jin horde, level 17 artifact knowledge he is arms/fury
    Account its self has over 17k achievement points with a lot of rare mounts - Including mimirons head, ashes of alar, onxyian drake, and many more.

    D3 is a standard account just played during seasons nothing to special

    Overwatch account:
    The account is 2700+ ranked at the moment
    has over 50 skins including a lot of Summer games skins and Winter Veil skins

    Again just looking for a good serious offer

    Email: [email protected] for more information about the account and or pictures of what I have! Thanks!
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