Sold Selling WTS multiple accounts

Discussion in 'LOTRO Lords of the Rings Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by milkyway93, 5/18/17.

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  1. milkyway93

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    1st account-high end hunter lvl 105,full raid set,maxed out weapons,craft,top stats. lvl 105 warden,just hit 105.nothing special. 51 burglar and creeps evernight 2nd account-healing minstrel with end game gear,ready for throne.doesnt have throne set though. evernight

    3rd account-lvl 105 captain,raid ready,doesnt have throne set,craft max,got alts

    can provide pics for all of these,live demonstration of ownership etc etc,middleman accepted as on my other post too,only certified though.prices are #,accs are 2 on EU and 1 on Brandywine.


    skype- [email protected]
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