Sold Selling WTS MR17 Warframe Account: 2k platinum, 32 warframes, 100+ weapons and more!

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DefAge, 11/22/17.

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  1. DefAge

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    Hello. I would like to sell my MR 17 Warframe account with 2k platinum, all planets unlocked, alot of resources and mods, Sortie\Raids ready. See almost full list of goods below. If you need more\specific info, please, feel free to contact me here or via PM.

    Some screenshots:


    32 total, 14 primes. See screenshots for a full list of frames. 2 othere frames (regular Ash and regular Nyx) ready to claim in foundry. All warframes with installed orokin reactors.


    107 weapons total. Prime weapons: Braton Prime, Burston Prime, Cernos Prime, Soma Prime, Sybaris Prime, Tigris Prime, Akstilleto Prime, Ballistica Prime, Euphona Prime, Hikou Prime, Lex Prime, Dual Kamas Prime, Galatine Prime, Orthos Prime, Scindo Prime, Silva & Aegis Prime. Unique weapons: Prisma Gorgon, Prisma Grakata, Snipetron, Latron Wraith, Quanta Vandal, Azima, Mara Detron, Prisma Angstrum, War, Prisma Dual Cleavers, Prisma Skana, Zaw x2. Most of the syndicate weapons. Some of the prisma weapons in multiple copy, to resell later for plat. All latest released weapons are included (argonak, astilla, full Arca series etc).All prime weapons with installed orokin catalyst, and most of the good weapons with catalyst too.


    Sentinels: Carrier, Carrier Prime, Helios Prime, Dethcube, Deriga, Shade, Wyrm. Pets: Smeeta Kavat (M), Helminth Charger (F), Sahasa Kubrow x2 (F and M). Archwings: Odonata, Itzal.


    Prime mods: Primed Continuity, Primed Flow x2, Primed Reach, Primed Point Blank x4, Primed Fewer Strike, Primed Heated Charge, Primed Target Cracker, Primed Pistol Gambit, Primed Ravage. Riven mods:30 slots total available, 28 riven mods (see screenshots for a full list). Most of the "# mods", alot of rare and pricey ones (weeping wounds, sweeping serration, full eletricity\status set, etc). Mods total: 5,078. Mod raiting: 109k.


    Deluxe skins: Nova Asura, Ash Koga, Banshee Soprana, Chroma Dynasty, Frost Harka, Mag Pneuma, Nekros Irkalla, Oberon Feyarch, Rhino Palatine, Saryn Deluxe (all skins were bought as part of the collection, that means you will also get all the exclusive weapon skins\syandanas\sugatas of those collections). Armor sets: Arca Set, EOS Prime Set, Ki'Teer Foros Set, Pakal Set, Porta Day of the Dead Set, Prisma Daedalus Set, Naberus, Prisma Naberus, Harmony Ribbon. 17 syandanas, bunch of sigils (terallyst and ostron included), Kl'Teer Kavat armor, Kl'Teer Emote. Hunhow's gift. Scimitar landing craft.

    Operator, Syndicates and PoE stuff:

    Operator unlocked, main skill tree - zenurik (energizing dash at lvl 3). Crafted 1 tier of AMP. Syndicates: 2 main syndicates are maxed (Perrin Sequence and New Loka), Ostron at lvl 3, Quills at lvl 2. Archwing Launcher (to fly in PoE) unlocked. Got all the reward from recent PoE "plague star "event (hunter mod set, returned weapons and mods, infested Zaws, x10 arcanes, only second type of arcanes is missing).

    That's all important that I can remember of. If you want to know anything specific - feel free to ask!

    Price: 120$. Price is #.

    Payment method: Skrill, Webmoney, Qiwi. Other payment methods can be discussed.

    If you request, I will work with a middleman. If you trusted, or high-rep member of playerup - I can go first.

    With purchase of this account you will get: Account itself, all info regardless account\account security, full access to e-mail.
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