Sold Selling WTS Master Bard, 9 jobs 99 , Missions done + more

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Darkhoman, 12/29/17.

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  1. Darkhoman

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    Looking to sell this Elvaan mule I have, comes with lot of missions already done, lot of 99 jobs, master bard, great account as a mule or to get back into the game:

    SE ID= Yes
    SE Pass= Yes
    SE DOB= Yes
    SE Q/A= Yes
    POL ID= Yes
    POL Pass= Yes
    Server Transfer = Yes


    Rank 10 - San d'Oria
    RoZ - Complete!
    CoP - Complete!
    ToAU - Complete!
    WotG - In the name of the father
    SoA - Complete!
    RoV - Complete!


    99 RDM
    99 PLD
    99 BRD ( MASTER )
    99 WHM
    99 SAM
    99 BLU
    99 GEO
    99 BLM
    99 NIN
    84 COR
    60 SCH
    58 WAR


    plus more items than what's listed above.

    Bid : $250
    Buyout : $330

    Thank you for looking, PayPal only if high rep, otherwise WU or MoneyGram.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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