Sold Selling Wts lvl 79 blademaster 335k might / 197k gear score moonsea

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Adnro, 11/4/17.

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  1. Adnro

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    WTS Lvl 79 Blademaster 335k Might / 197k Gear Score

    Myrmidon Helmet Lvl 69 (Can get PvP Lvl 79)
    Poltergeist Armor Lvl 69 (Can get PvP Lvl 79)
    Eternal Heaven Bracers Lvl 79
    Masterpiece Boots Lvl 79
    Main Hand Lvl 79
    Sinking Star Necklace Lvl 79
    Illusive Earing Crit Lvl 79
    Illusive Earing Special Skill Power Lvl 79
    Masterpiece Ring Lvl 79
    Dragontooth God Ring Lvl 69 / Can upgrade to 79 with Demonslayer
    Bloodletter PvP Lvl 79

    + Lvl 79 gear unlock items

    Level 5 Badge
    Purple Talisman (High Stats)

    Soul Grid
    2x VI / 8x V / 2x IV (Magic Defense / Hit)

    6x Lvl 5 PvP Mark / 14x Lvl 4 PvP Mark
    4x Lvl 5 PvE Mark / 15x Lvl 4 PvE Mark

    Demonslayer Rank 9
    PvP Rank Dragon Wraight

    For more info:
    Skype (live:adnrohack)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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