Level 59 Rubies : 1k++ Topaz : 705 Gold : 400k Key : 2000++ Arena : 4400+(last week) Mastery : max level 110 Formation : All max Hero slot 154 Item slot 80 CR tiket 521 2 hero 6star selector unlimited time inside inbox (quest and CT) Special Heroes Level 40 : Ace (gold frame) , kriss (gold frame) Level 38 : Dellon (gold frame), rudy (gold frame) Level 36 : Eileen (gold frame) Level 34 : Sun Wukong (gold frame) Level 32 : Lubu (gold frame) Level 30 : Teo (gold frame) Jave (no frame) 2x 4* Ace 2x 4* kriss 2x 4* Jave 2x 4* Rachel 1x 4* Spike Common Heroes Level 40 : giparang (gold frame) , Lina (gold frame) Sieg (gold frame) Shane (gold frame) Espada (gold frame) Jupy (gold frame) Ruri (Silver frame) Velika (gold frame) Evan ( silver frame) Level 34 Yushin (silver frame) 32 Baijiao (silver frame) , 32 Lucy Level 30 Karon( gold frame) Lee jung , Xiao, Bidam, zhuge liang ,guanyu, mao song, zhao yun , Yui, Victoria Level 1 Bailong, da qiao, feng yan , leo, Karin, yuix3, snipper ,lania Note : all heroes already 6* Power up heroes : Fina x9 , Leahx1 , rice cake6*x1 , crystal 6*x1, Element : fire 5*x1 ,4*x8, 3* 2 Dark 4*x5 Light 4*x17 Water 4*x5 , 3*x1 lots of costume, jewel and high tier dragon item still in inventory 4days before sena selector accepting paypal i will give you gmail and fb Send me offers through P.M and I will let you know if it's too low. Best offer gets it. line nowfall31