Greetings Exiles I would like to start a leveling service for Legacy League Softcore 1-lvl 70 or below with ascendacy points up to Merciless. **will be using some of my leveling gear if you dont have any, if you do, that's great, it'll save time from transferring items. My price is 25 USD Feel free to tip more! The duration would be around 10 hours more or less depending on builds. A little "Why I want to start this service?" explanation 1. It is because end game grinds just doesn't cut it for me anymore fun wise 2. I actually love trying out different builds and see how they progresses at each stage of leveling so doing this service gives me opportunities to try out different builds that are your choices. 3. Could use the extra cash since my dad recently suffered from a stroke! (no Pity party here, just my valid reason) just FYI my timezone and realm is Singapore. Reply here or Inbox me for my skype so that we can communicate more instantly! Payment is Through Paypal Gift options!