Sold Selling WTS: Level 100 Yul Sagittarius / Level 99 Aeore Cardinal

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by rifter1978, 12/11/17.

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  1. rifter1978

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    Level 100 Yul Sagittarius
    Level 99 Aeore Cardinal
    Level 80 Arcana Lord
    Level 80 Duelist

    Paulina's Dynasty Armor Set
    Paulina's Dynasty Jewel Set
    Paulina's Dynasty Bow
    Cloak of Freya
    Cloak of Zaken

    <Yul Sagittarius Dye>
    Lvl 5 GIANT STR dye (STR +5)
    Lvl 5 GIANT STR dye (STR +5)
    Lvl 5 GIANT STR dye (STR +5)

    <Yul Sagittarius Enchanted skills>
    Most skills enchanted to +6

    Talisman: Longing
    Ruby Level 3
    Paulina's Seraph Accessory Set (30-days)
    Paulina's Blessed Seraph Heavy Set (30-days)
    Paulina's Blessed Seraph Light Set (30-days)
    Paulina's Blessed Seraph Robe Set (30-days)
    Commando Belt
    Replica Tiara
    Novice Adventure Bracelet
    (X 1500) Transformation Potion: L2B2
    (x 30) XP Rune I (Lv1-85) 100%: 1hr
    (x 1) XP Rune III (Lv1-100+) 100%: 7-day
    (x 10) GM's Buff scroll (P.atk)
    (x 10) GM's Buff scroll (P.def)
    (x 10) GM's Buff scroll (M.atk)
    (x 1) Halloween
    (x 1) Halloween Pumpkin Hat
    (x 10) Halloween Special Cookie
    (x 1) Shiny Mummy Mask Pack (7-day) Blessing of Halloween
    (x 1) Shiny Shriek Mask Pack (7-day) Blessing of Halloween
    And a lot more.....

    Game Accounts come with email.
    Interested, please drop me an email @ [email protected]
    Payment only via Paypal.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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