Jinghu Inners: Taoist 75/75 Chaotic 75/75 Toad 75/ 75 Purple Rosy 70/75 Against Worldly 49/75 Sunset 1/ 64 ( still have 20 frags in stash) Treasures: 5 fire washing treasures lv 12 with int crit hit and crit rate. all 17-18% hit damge and 3-4% crit rate. 5 normal treasure with int hit damge and crit reduce with tcf skills. Gears: i have 2 sets jade 6 gears. 1 taichi gears and 1 yang gears all 27-30 attributes. i have all jade 6 wepons accept staff. Bracer with 20% open to taichi Ancient set: ATCF: 6 skills: feint , pary, plume, knock back, anti airbone, rage lv 10. the rest lv 3 ADC: fullset Dragon Claw, rage lv 6 ADBS: fullset Dog beating staff lv 3 GSS: 3 skills, shied, charge, and knock down 1 coppy skill form finger set. Blood sea demon: 3 skills: rage, pull, and 1 hit with rage 20m. Cash sets: i have almost full cash sets, but i just list the main sets 9 palace lv 10-12 yuanyang blade lv 10 Shura blade lv 10 heaven net dance lv 10 phantom dagger lv 10 vagrant blade set lv 11 shallow kungfu unlock lv 14 dice set full lv 7 Ahrat fist full lv 9 weapon manual: barehand 1000/1000(454 damge) blade 1000/1000(454 damge) sword 1000/1000(454 damge) twin sword 1000/1000(454 damge) double sting 9000/1000(400 damge) double blade 512/512( 194 damge ) dagger 512/512( 194 damge) Quater Staff 512/ 512 ( 194 damge) Hidden weapon 512/ 512 ( 194 damge) I still have 1000 superior weapon manual in stash . u can up anything you want. it up to your style. Medridians: all school medridians max 180 Yin medridian 145/180 Yang medrian 90/ 180 ( you just need to cult purple to 75 , you can unlock yang to 180) reverse medrians: ATS 180/180 Hua sect and niulu unlocked inner 54. Inventory: 20 sunset frags 60 taoist frags 60 copy 2k plume dagger 1 claw gold 6 with 30% spin + anotation 10% spin 420 dragon pattern coppy stone ( you can up any subsect skill you like to lv 10) 23 firewashing 500 gingsen 30 daughter wine 5 demon blood sea frags 2 tcf frags 4 dragon claw frags alot of loom 2, workbench 2, chop block 2 and 1. 20 blood blade frags 400 sheepskins and jade raw 6 weapons. Ask for price on skype: [email protected]