Sold Selling WTS KHUX JP Whale Account

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by earth213, 9/2/17.

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  1. earth213

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    I'm not sure if anyone will interest in this so I will cut the chitchat.

    have all [EX] medal of this game (except Tier7 Sora & Rikku EX) max guilt and fully skilled

    other useful medal
    - KH 0.2 Kairi (guard M 100)
    - Ariel (2nd chance II)
    - Key Art 11 [DoubleCast] (2nd chance II)
    - Illustrated KH II Kairi (guard XL)
    - Illust Vivi (2nd chance II)
    - Sora PL Illustrated Ver (guard M 100)
    - all copy medal in this game except sora aniti form
    and a lot more event exclusive medal.

    price is around 500$ and will be up in future (since I will keep playing for now)
    payment method paypal only (โอนได้กรณีในประทศไทย)

    for more detail contact : Face book
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