IMGUR link: Features: MP: Yomi dragon with 190k mp left GFEs: 2 Kaedes, Eschamali and a few more 6* exclusive Collab: Noctis, 2 Tifas, Toshiros for Meridionalis, Yamamoto Special REM: Has EVERY single rem card from the heroine gacha machine, which should get uvo in february next year, Xmas Haku. Looking to sell this acc for 300$ or obo. Price is negoatiable, so feel free to offer. For trade offers, I am only looking for really powerful acc with many end game teams like ra dragon e.t.c Also looking for a mid - end game gbf account with limiteds like Anchira, Lucio and Summer Zoey. Payment via paypal only. Contact me via email at [email protected] or via discord at Ruririruri#8179