Sold Selling WTS HoT acc, 80s, tons unavailable gemstore skins CHEAP AF!

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by nyantron, 7/11/17.

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  1. nyantron

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    I don't have any more desire to play this game and my life is getting really busy so I decided it'd be the best to sell my account.


    What do you get?

    - 6 level 80 characters(revenant, warrior(100% map completed), necromancer, elementalist, ranger and guardian), with all their elite specialisations unlocked, located on top tier WvW server.
    - 3 x 80 Tomes of Knowledge so you can instantly max level if creating new character.
    - 3 fully maxed crafting professions(armorsmith, weaponsmith and artificer).
    - Fully ascended geared Revenant (gear+weapons easily transferable to Warrior as both wear the same).
    - 60G for start with tons of other currencies.
    - 2 times extended bank storage so you don't ever have to worry about running out of space!
    - 9.5k Achievement Points, including historical(removed) ones that granted limited-time unlocks(items, titles, cosmetics etc.) which are no longer available.
    - At least 100$ worth of gem-store exclusive skins, which are long gone(can't be bought anymore).
    - All story episodes unlocked and available!

    > Simply perfect offer for anyone willing to drop into game like a no-life God, with all these exclusive goodies!!! Get ready for next expansion with premium on this account!

    Send offers to inbox or comment below! I will reply asap!!!
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