Sold Selling WTS> High Level Asia Account With All 4 Lord and 7K

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by demonlet, 11/22/16.

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  1. demonlet

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    Account Level: 65
    Bind to Netmable Account (Will provide you everything once purchased)
    Looking for around USD$200 or drop me a reasonable offer
    Line Id: saberriku (Do pm me if you need screenshot)
    Whatsapp: +60168316830
    Payment: Paypal only

    4 Lord:
    Lv40 Ace+5
    Lv40 Wu Kong+5 with 6*Luxurious Necklace of Time (Reduce buff duration by 1 turn)
    Lv38 Lubu+5
    Lv36 Teo+5 with 6*Luxurious Necklace of Disaster (Paralyze)
    Lv36 Rin+5
    Lv30 Karma+5

    Seven knights:
    Lv40 Rudy+5 (Can reach 42)
    Lv40 Eileene+5 (Can reach 42)
    Lv38 Jave+5
    Lv36 Dellon+5
    Lv34 Kris+5
    Lv32 Rachel+5
    Lv32 Spike+5
    *All with Ethereal Guardian Costume

    *Note: Most of the 4 lord and 7k are equiped with awaken raid and 7k weapons/armors, accessories and 6* Jewel.

    Lv40 Pascal+5
    Lv40 Giparang+5 with 6*Luxurious Sparking Necklace (Electrify)
    Lv40 Shane+5
    Lv40 Bi Dam+5
    Lv40 Da Qiao+5
    Lv40 Sieg+5
    Lv40 Lina+5
    Lv40 Espada+5
    Lv40 Black Rose+5
    Lv40 Nia+5
    Lv40 Alice+5
    Lv40 May+5
    Lv40 Lucy+5
    Lv40 Ming Ming+5
    Lv40 Daisy+5
    Lv40 Jupy+5
    Lv40 Yu Shin+5
    Lv40 Guan Yu+5
    Lv38 Lee Jung
    Lv36 Ruri
    Lv34 Asura
    Lv34 Li
    Lv32 Karon
    Lv32 Yui
    Lv32 Noho
    Lv32 Xiao & many more
    6* Rice Cake x4 (1 in mail Unlimited Duration)
    Fina x 2
    Plenty of 4&5* materials (14 4* Element Selector and 1 5* Elemenent Selector at mail Unlimited Duration)
    Plenty of spare 7K, Raid Items, 6* Jewels and some accesories in bag.
    Current Ruby: 3k+
    Current Topaz: 907
    Gold: 17million
    Arena: 4300+
    Formation: All Max
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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