Selling Selling WTS high-endgame tsw account (one lumie and one templar)

Discussion in 'The Secret World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lolololo, 3/28/17.

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  1. lolololo

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    I would like to sell my tsw account with 2 high endgame characters.

    The templar : - Full PVE optimized with BiS (nm Raid Tali DPS ql11/Tank ql11/Heal ql11-.9.5), every useful dps augments lvl5 and a couple of augments lvl5, AEGIS at 3.6 ( a few 3.1, only 9 mk5 missing, rest of mk6 are in inventory)
    - a couple of 10k achievements
    - 100% wheel
    - Tons of cosmetic and vanity items

    The Lumie : - Full PVP optimized with BiS for pvp (purple shambala signets like coup de grace, persistent malice etc...), dps augments lvl 5, nm raid tali, signets, full glyph ql11, etc ..
    - One correct dps build (ql11/.5 glyphs) for PVE.

    Global informations : - 1 year + of membership (for veteran's rewards)
    - Woodcutter activated
    - There is a dragon who has finished main quest (except tokyo)
    - This account has all issues

    If you want more info or details (like screenshots) i'll provide them in private so, feel free to contact me via private message.

    I'm selling my account for 500$, this price is influenced by the different factors that I detailled (augment progression, purple signets...), you will have a templar which is ready for every kind of content and characters from the other two factions one of which has a decent augment progression dps wise (the illuminati) sparing you from spending much of your time farming while being able to play with a decent templar or lumie. Paypal only.
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  2. rmzeyzein

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    uh... I don't see that this is a grand master account, did I miss this or is this just a pay to play account?
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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