Sold Selling Wts high end drg/mnk/brd ilv270-275 most craft 60s all raids over 40m

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Stargazed, 1/20/17.

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  1. Stargazed

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    Looking to sell my account it has drg mnk with ilv 275 weapons brd equip pieces ilv 270 ect most crafts leved with ironworks penta meld all books all raids done 4 star crp blm gsm a1 to a12 has a mount of a12 and a4 and much more will take offers also willing to go first to trusted and reliable members thanks message me with your skype and price.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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