Sold Selling WTS high end acc, 8 level 80's full ascended, 7 legendaries [NA] 173 masteries

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by maurokay2, 5/24/17.

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  1. maurokay2

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    Hello, I'm selling my account, it has 9 level 80 characters every profession has full ascended gear except my engi CRAFTING IS MAXED OUT on every discipline.

    7 legendaries: Bolt, incinirator, nevermore, the moot, twilight, the howler, and the juggernaut.<br>&nbsp;1 legendary back ( from fotom, ad infinitum)

    ele: ascended zerk gear with rings, weapon and back

    Daredevil: full ascended zerk gear, weapons and backpiece

    guardian: full ascended zerk gear, weapons and back

    warrior: full ascended zerk and condi gear, weapons and backpiece ( zerk and condi)

    rev: full ascended zerk gear, weapons and back piece

    necro: has full ascended viper gear, weapons and back &nbsp;( good for fotom

    druid: has fully ascended viper gear and exotic magi's gear, weapons and back piece

    chrono: has fully ascended commander's gear with weapons and back

    Account also has multiple outfits:
    Raiments of the lich, mad king's, crystal savant's, noble count and mursaat robe's

    pvp: level 46

    173 masteries.

    feel free to contact me on skype for api or questions: maurokay2

    asking price is at 200
    se paypal or WU

    btw acc has 11kAP
    I am the original owner and have the serial code.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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