Legendary Cards: 1.The Marsh Queen 2.Knuckles 3.Pyros 4.Archmage Antonidas 5.Rhonin 6.Sindragosa 7.Frost Lich Jaina 8.The Last Kaleidosaur 9.Wickerflame Burnbristle 10.Bolvar Fordragon 11.Tirion Fordring 12.Uther of the Ebon Blade 13.Raza the Chained 14.Shadowreaper Auduin 15.Unite the Murlocs 16.White Eyes 17.The Mistcaller 18.Al'Akir the Windlord 19.Bloodreaver Gul'dan 20.Arfus GOLDEN 21.Kazakus 22.Spiritsinger Umbra 23.Loatheb 24.Emperor Thaurissan 25.Madam Goya 26.Sylvanas Windrunner 27.Mayor Noggenfogger 28.C'Thun 29.Deathwing Card Backs: 1.Frost Knight 2.Blood Knight 3.HearthS'mores 4.The Magic of Dalaran 5.Sunwell 6.Un'goro Mystery 7.Year of the Kraken 8.Kabal 9.Grimy Goons 10.Jade Lotus 11.Winter Veil Wreath 12.Secret Level Heros: 1.Lady Liadrin 2.Maiev Shadowsong Arcane Dust:725+ price: $60 via PayPal skype: niki.niki165