Sold Selling Wts great elvaan f whm master geo 1027 jp yagrush in progress

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SharinganDude, 10/11/17.

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  1. SharinganDude

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    I'm looking to sell this awesome Elvaan F. Excelent as your new main or alt. I can provide with all the OO information (SE ID/PW, POL ID/PW, Date of Birth and Secret Square Enix Q/A). It have already progress toward Yagrush (Whm Mythic) just missing 24k more Alex and about 100k Nyzul Tokkens). It have 37 Whm Cards in hand close to +3 Whm body or can +2 other pieces.

    Adding the full inventory, skills, missions, trust list and mission progress in the next SS's.




    Starting bid for it is $350. Paypal verified only as payment form.

    If require anymore information or specific screenshot feel free to PM me will try respond asap.
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