Sold Selling WTS: Great Account with Noctis and Lightning (Global)

Discussion in 'FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ramzzaa86, 12/30/16.

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  1. ramzzaa86

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    Account is rank 60 as of time of posting. All TMs are farmed and there is no # or injection. Most trials completed minus the recent 2-headed dragon which can be done easily by you. Characters with the completed TMs have 100% TM mastery, screenshots can be provided upon request. Account is FB linked and I will either give you the dummy FB account or can change the email to your preferred one (your email address must not have a FB account).

    I would like an iTunes gift card of $250 to fund my other game :D
    I spent 400 USD alone to roll Noctis :( Please drop me a PM if interested.

    6* Noctis equipped with Dual Wield, Excalibur, Sakurafubuki, 30% attack/mag TM from Maxwell and Blade Mastery from Chizuru. Nearly 800 attack with Ifrit.

    6* Lightning
    6* Cecil (Excalibur TM Mastered)
    6* Ramza (Brave Suit TM 33.9%)

    Lots of other useful characters like:

    Miyuki x 2 (One Sakurafubi TM Mastered)
    Zidane (Dual Wield TM Mastered)
    Bartz x 2
    Terra x 2
    Garland x 2
    Exdeath x 2
    Kefka x 2
    Locke x 2
    Chizuru (Blade Mastery TM Mastered)
    Charlotte x 3
    Ignus x 3
    Maxwell (Power of Creation TM Mastered)
    Cloud of Darkness x 2
    Cecil x 2
    Black Cat Lid
    General Leo

    Lots more I haven't list out!

    Tons of Gigantaurs

    7 10% TM Moogles (one more upcoming from monthly Arena)
    6 5% TM Moogles
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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