Selling WTS Good lvled KnD account for ios with DF's and otherr good armor

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shadow4lives, 5/1/17.

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  1. Shadow4lives

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    So here im selling my KnD account for some money.

    The account lvl is 102 i have maxed out almost all training fields expect 2.
    i have rn 1.1 mil in the bank. Here is the rest of my aror sets:

    DragonForged Armors:

    Darkscale battlegear: lvl 92
    Spectral Vanguard: lvl 21

    Five Star Amors:

    Aquatic Battlegear+ : lvl 99(maxed)
    Sharksteel mantle: lvl 73
    Kerstman's Shourd: lvl 1

    my personal knight does amazing damage. His attack is 3,442 and his defense is 3,085. So he is pretty good with farming and with battling.

    You can pay me through paypal or maybe itunes cards.
    We can discuss the amount of money i want for the account online
    If you want to contact me or want screenshots of the acc and everything you can contact me on line my ID is: pararikkert

    if you cannot find me on line for reasons you can contact me through my email: [email protected]
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