Sold Selling Wts god tier endgame acc (100+ 6*, 50+ 5* accessories)

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ENK1, 8/28/17.

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  1. ENK1

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    Decided to stop playing BBS.
    Looking to sell my account I've had since the game was released in Global.

    A lot of blood, sweat and tear into this account, probably spent over $300+ on it.
    Most of the accessories on this account are either 30% Attack, SP and 40% STAM. Some of them are 20%. Got all 3 Anniversary items.
    Got over 400+ Premium tickets. A whole bunch of crystals and jewels so you'll barely have to farm them.
    Also has and bunch and crystal and coin links.
    Has a BUNCH on seasonal characters such as Halloween, Christmas, Summer and Valentines.

    If you have any questions about the account just PM me.

    Account pics:

    $400 Paypal
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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