Sold Selling WTS Feoh 104 in Naia

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Tummo, 11/28/17.

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  1. Tummo

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    Wts Feoh 104 Lv. and 58%, Dual Iss SD 100.
    Dark Elf Female, nice nickname, one owner (13 years).
    Dyes: 3x INT+5 WIT +1 Water Resistance +25
    +7 Aden Cloak, Longing, 5 Slot Brooch.
    Emerald 4, Pearl 4, Sapphire 4, Diamond 4, Blue Cat's Eye 4, Opal 4, Tanzanite 3, Topaz 3.
    Skill enachant: Nukes +12...15, Self Buffs +12...20, Other +10...12.
    Also WTS Iss Hierophant lvl 101 with PoM on different account.
    Pm your offers, thanks. My Skype "adrexe".
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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