Sold Selling wts Evi 103- GK 100

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Isaksson, 9/5/17.

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  1. Isaksson

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    Evi 103 complete exalted with passive xp and faction lvl6 - 10kk mobs and need only 104 lvl!!
    Equip: 10 la set Helmet-Boots-Gloves is pve/Main is bless and gaiter is normal!
    +12 PVE fist 3 x sa (lvl 6 normal sa) ad aug p crt dmg 15%!
    Talisman Abu lvl1
    Lilith - Anakim
    Venrir stage 13
    Bracele str+4
    Giant Talisman Stage 9
    Str+P Atack Hair Acce
    +6 Shiny Ele shirt
    Monkey Belt
    +5 Elmore Cloak
    3 star Agathion - Rudolph Agathion
    +4 Wyrm Ring/+5 Baim Soul Ring/+4 Ring of Creation/+4 bles zaken/+4 frin soul/+4 orfen earr/+5 stun Earr
    Brooch 5 slot:Ruby lvl4/Red Cats Eye lvl3/opal lvl3/diamond lvl3/emerald lvl2/garnet lvl3/topaz lvl2
    Dyes 2 x10 str+5 cha +4/and lege str+5 dex +1 (fire res +25)
    msg me !!!ty
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