Selling WTS Eu server REtribution ShadowBalde Darkrunner 5+gs

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kdash85, 11/25/17.

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  1. kdash85

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    WTS EU Retribution Account - Nuia lvl55 Darkrunner with a Gear Score of 5+k:

    Proficiencies and Skills:

    230k Gathering.
    230k Larceny.
    142k Commerce.
    38k Exploration.
    30k Husbandry.

    Battlerage lvl55, Shadowplay lvl55, Auramancy lvl55, Archery lvl 55, Defence lvl55, Witchcraft lvl55, Vitalism lvl 53, Songcraft lvl50, Sorcery lvl 37, Occultism lvl 50.
    Abyssal Battlerage Skills lvl55, Abyssal Shadowplay Skills lvl40.


    Divine Heartless Warrior's guard (Serpentis piece)
    Celestial Obsidian Leather T4 Cap with 20% Stealth Detection + x5 Physical Defence.
    Celestial Obsidian Leather T4 Jerkin with 3% Damage Reduction + x6 Resillience.
    Celestial Obsidian Leather T4 Breeches with 335 Toughness + x5 Toughness.
    Celestial Obsidian Leather T4 Fists with 12% Melee Critical Damage + x4 Evasion.
    Celestial Obsidian Leather T4 Boots with 5% Moviment Speed + x4 Moviment Speed.
    Celestial Leather Auroria Belt (+5 FreeRunner duration) with 5 Strenght + x3 Physical Defence.
    Celestial Leather Auroria Belt (+1.5s Snare Duration of Charge) with 3Strenght/1Agility + x3 Physical Defence.
    Celestial Leather Auroria Guards (Increase the Range of Charge) with 3 Strenght/1Agility + x3
    EPIC DELPHINAD Arrowflash Cloak with Auroria Strenght Lunastone.
    Epic Archeum Evernight Necklace (Rank 11).
    Divine Archeum Evernight Necklace (Rank 10).
    Divine epherium Windsong cloak

    Celestial Delphinad lightning Earring

    Celestial Delphinad Gale Ring with +3 Melee Attack.
    Celestial Delphinad Gale Ring with +3 Melee Attack.

    Divine Obsidian T4 V2 Sword with 2% Melee Skill Damage + x7 Focus.
    Heroic Cold Anguish
    Celestial Obsidian T3 Bow with 2% Ranged Skill Damage + x6 Defence Penetration.
    Celestial Anthem of Battlerage (Warrior Instrument) with +3 Melee Attack + x6 Defence Penetration.

    Unique Melee Basic Costume (Chimera Ceremonial Uniform Appaerance) with Oocleera Lunastone.
    Unique Melee Black Pearl Undergaments with +15 Strenght (15k Honor Lunastone).

    Gilded Royal Glider.

    Inventory FULLY expanded with:

    Rampage b200 (best car in the game only this i've bought 140€ on Trion site)
    Farm Freighter.
    Armored Steamtank.
    Merchant Schooner.
    SeaSkimmer Speedboat.
    Adventurer's Clipper.
    Winged Love Paddleboat.

    Iron Eviscerator.
    Moonfeather Griffin.
    Rare Dread Steeal
    Brown lilyut Horse

    Black Wolfhound.
    Black Sabrefang.
    Moonsand Fox

    x2 Improved Scarecrow Farm (In Solzeered Peninsula)
    x2 Gazebo Farm (In Solzeered Peninsula)
    x1 Solar Scarecrow farm kit 16x16 (In Solzeered Peninsula)
    x1 Lunar scarecrow Garden 8x8 (In Solzeered Peninsula)
    x1 Tached farmhouse (In Solzeered Peninsula)

    x1 Stone spring Cottage

    x270 Gilda Star.
    x793 Warrior's Medal.
    x39 Loyalty Token.
    x363 Merit Badge.
    x5 Login Badge.
    x26 Player Appreciation Token.
    x2 Shining Lightning Essence
    x15 Worker's Compensation (1000).
    X2 bound duun's blessing

    Full Forsaken Pirate Accessories Set.
    Full set Lullaby Pajama Armor Pieces of the Set.
    x2 Dawnsdrop Armor Pieces of the Set.
    Dragon Ward Ring.

    UNIQUE AUGMENTED Dream Ring (serpentis Ring good step)
    x151 Chrome Sub Design Scrap.
    x3 Serendipity Stone

    Rare Franken-Yata-Costume
    Rare Dream guard Armor
    Rare Victory ball attire

    Various Obsidian Armor Materials/Obsidian Weapon Materials/Dream Ring Ingridients/Library Materials/World Bosses Drops for Quests/Craft.
    Some Vocation Badges, Honor Points and Golds.

    (The Account have a lvl55 Character on American Server for APEX-Farming minning 230k)

    This PG is easily to make upgrade gear score, just add the gems on some pieces/weapon

    Current Buyout price 450 Euro, but i listen your offers
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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