Selling [Selling] WTS [EU] [Jinsoyun] Destroyer + Gunner 5€

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MaxLorem, 4/1/19.

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  1. MaxLorem

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    I sell my Blade & soul account.

    Ideal account to start a new adventure.

    *Details Account :

    Server: Jinsoyun (EU)

    Characters: 2

    -Destroyer [lvl 55] [Lvl HM 13]

    Includes: Exclusive Dark Dignitary outfit. 150 gold, 996 Zen Beans, 88 Hongmoon Coins and other materials in the inventory and bank.

    -Gunner [lvl 55] [Lvl HM 12]

    Includes: Exclusive Dark Dignitary outfit. 15 gold, 776 Zen Beans, 88 Hongmoon Coins.

    Images of the characters:


    Price of the account :

    Contact me via Discord: MaxLorem#9448

    Reliable, serious, and fast seller.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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