Sold Selling [WTS] Eternity \o/

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gio Leonheart, 11/25/17.

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  1. Gio Leonheart

    Gio Leonheart
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    Just finished crafting it, unlocked the skins of Sunrise and Twilight and figured I don't really need legendary greatswords (I only liked the skins ♥), so I'm trying to get back some gold to recover from the crafting expenses.

    - Selling legendary greatsword Eternity (made from Sunrise+Twilight combined), for in-game gold;
    - current market value is 4700~4900g, so that's what I expect out of this trade;
    - liquid gold would be ideal, can ask friends to borrow their personal Guild Vault for the exchange;
    - a share of the payment can also be crafting materials (i.e. ectos, t6 materials, mystic coins) since I'm gonna craft some more stuff soon™ anyway (working on my 3rd legendary armor set);
    - would rather go the safest way possible; not here to scam anybody, but not to get scammed either, so finding a trusted middleman would probably be a good idea.

    For offers, more infos, or other stuff (e.g. account name, API key): either reply in this thread, or contact me via PM. Thank you.
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