Sold Selling WTS Epic Account 8 Afterglow Weapons, 4 Mastered Jobs, 16 REMAs Total

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kayrocz, 6/1/17.

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  1. Kayrocz

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    Hello I'm looking to sell my Original FFXI account I have all the info expect the Secret Questions and I can't find the Reg Codes (Been playing for ten years I definitely misplaced them).

    Sandy Rank 10

    Reg Codes: NO
    SE Q&A NO

    Account has 16 REMA's, 8 of them Afterglowed, and is 5 HELMS away from another Aeonic. I took a ton of screenshots because listing everything would be a pain and I thought visually it would convey the message better.



    FULL List of Items

    As far as Price Looking to Start Bids at 2000$ with a Buyout of 2500$
    WU or Moneygram, Paypal if I've done business with you before.
    If I'm missing anything or you have any questions feel free to PM I will respond as quickly as I can.
    Thanks in advance~
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