Sold [Selling] WTS CURRENCY/ORB, Fragment, Item/Unique, Ancient Reliquary Key Etc. Cheap and Save

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by johnmarket, 4/26/17.

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  1. johnmarket

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    Hello AND Welcome to my Selling Thread Path of Exile Item/Currency

    Iam Always Play ON League server, "LEGACY SOFTCORE" AT THIS MOMENT"
    Selling CURRENCY/ORB, Fragment, Item/Unique, Ancient Reliquary Key, etc... Depend ON what ur request Price very #


    What reason to buy from me?

    1.Clean/safe currency (hand farming, not botting, not buying from other people, not cheating) totaly safe/clean currency 100% legit.
    2.Very Understand ABOUT Path of Exile (Players too 4000++ hour playtime) Not Like Web selling currency some of them even don't have PoE acount (only midleman currency trade)
    3.for ur own safety or avoiding scam u can buy as minimum as u can example (buy 1 ex only) its very possible.
    4.easy cekking stock (Just see my profil pic and status - done) Not like other seller need to asking first.
    5.lots of choices (not just chaos and exalt only, like most seller) Rate same depend on PoE currency Trade.
    6.instant delivery when i got the payment il just trade currency/item u request, faster than website currency selling.
    7.good price (average cheaper than any currency web site seller) *** event #startingselling beating any price ***
    8.24/7 work time except internet problem :D

    Selling ON Legacy League ONLY ATM


    -------------------------------------------------------------------------(Last Update 26/4/2017)
    -Ancient Reliquary Key -------------------- Minimum amount :1 Price:0.85$each Stock 23
    -Exalt ORB ---------------------------------------- Minimum amount :1 Price: 0.8.4$each Stock 60++
    -Chaos Orb ---------------------------------------- Minimum amount :10 --- Price Depend on PoE currency Trade rate always change every hour : Stock 5000++
    -Divine Orb ----------------------------------------- Minimum amount :1 ----- Price: Ask
    -Orb of Regret ------------------------------------ Minimum amount :10 ---- Price: Ask
    -Orb of Alteration -------------------------------- Minimum amount :1000 - Price: Ask
    -RegalOrb ------------------------------------------ Minimum amount :50 ----- Price: Ask
    -Orb of Scouring --------------------------------- Minimum amount :60 ---- Price: Ask
    -Orb of Alchemy --------------------------------- Minimum amount :100 --- Price: Ask
    -Cartographer's Chisel ------------------------- Minimum amount :100 --- Price: Ask
    -Gemcutter'sPrism ------------------------------ Minimum amount :20 ---- Price: Ask
    -Vaal Orb ------------------------------------------- Minimum amount :50 ----- Price: Ask
    -Orb of Fusing Minimum amount :100 ////Or U Can Request 6-Linked (Price Obviosly under 1500 fusing Price, Which vorici Has instant 6-linking on his bench)
    -Jeweller's Orb Minimum amount :100 ////Or U Can Request 6-Socket Price Ask On Skype
    -ChromaticOrb Minimum amount :100 ////Or U Can Request What Color u wan (Price Basicly Depend on what item Attribute and what color)
    -Eternal orb - ask
    -Mirror------- ask
    etc, selling other orb too depend what ur request, Price rate same on PoE currency Trade

    -Chayula's Breachstone - Price Ask
    Selling Uul-Netol's, Esh's, Tul's, Xoph's as well Tell me what u need

    -Normal Aziri Set Key ----- Price Ask U can buy Mid Night Fragment only if necessary because that rare's part
    -Uber Aztiri Set Key -------- Price Ask U can buy Mortal Hope Fragment only if necessary because that rare's part
    -Pale Counrt Set Key ------ Price Ask U can buy Inya's/Volkuur's Only
    -ShaperSetKey --------------- Price Ask
    -Offering to the Goddess -- Price Ask


    -BUNDLE STARTING ITEM (Tabula Rasa*Lifesprig*Goldrim*Wanderlust*Crest of Perandus*(1)Perandus Signet*Araku Tiki*Perandus Blazon) ALL ITEM HAS FULL LINKED and 20% quality : PRICE ONLY: 1$
    -HEAD HUNTER ------------------------ ask
    -SKYFORT -------------------------------- ask
    -WINDRIPPER LEGACY ------------ ask
    -Shavronne's Wrappings LEGACY - ask
    OR U CAN REQUEST ANY SINGLE ITEM INGAME Example, rare end game dagger/wand/sword, vaal regalia 900++ ES, 400++ ES Hubris Etc (Except Legacy kaom heart, u know why :D ) ITEM PRICE VERY # FEEL FREE TO ASK

    OTHER Service
    Shaper - Uber atziri - Uber Labyrith//Carry ------------------------- (Not available yet)
    Power leveling ------------------------------------------------------------------(Not available yet)
    Atlas Opening - Perandus manor,tier 1-16///Carry map -------- (Not available yet)

    Payment Accepted ONLY Paypal At This Moment Will try another payment if this going well

    Step by Step How we trade

    1.Reply on this thread with your Skype ID, I will instantly ADD (if you want to make 100% sure that you contacting with me) or u can just Add me on skype by
    CLICK Here TO ADD me (SAVE)>>> [​IMG] if does't work or dont know what to do
    U still can ADD me by manual Searching live:mrgondrong789 if necessary "John Gondrong PoE Only"
    2.Cek Stock on profil Pic, if stock is out example fusing (0) ask first il fill stock (min 1 minute - max 30 minute) work time > Tell me how much Currency/item u need>and we calculate total price >
    3.U Send Money Accept verified Paypal Only AT THIS MOMENT send as friends and family. Get ScreenShot Money Has Send, and send it to me because sometime it has delay to show up on notification >
    4.Give me your character name(IN GAME) Il Trade the Currency/item, u can trade any item for avoidting RMT Tracking, in my HO or Yours///or we can do The coast drop method if necessary for ur own safety, Done ty

    Please make sure you're contacting to the right person to avoid dealing with imposters.
    If you already add on skype or leave a message and don't respond quickly, I might be asleep or away, once i come back surely will reply as fast as possible!

    Thankyu and Have a nice day Exile
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