Sold Selling WTS: Chronos: Level 97 Tyrr Duelist / 47 Blade Dancer (Usd$25)

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by rifter1978, 12/6/16.

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  1. rifter1978

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    Level 97 Tyrr Duelist
    Level 47 Blade Dancer

    Shadow Dualsword (+0)
    Immortal Helm (Defense Type/Heavy)
    Immortal Breastplate (Defense Type/Heavy)
    Immortal Gaiter (Defense Type/Heavy)
    Immortal Gauntlet (Defense Type/Heavy)
    Immortal Boot (Defense Type/Heavy)

    Talisman: Hellfire
    La Vie En Rose's Brooch 2 slot
    Jewellery Level 1 Pearl
    169,240 R-grade Soul-Shots
    192,617 Mysterious No-Grade Soulshot
    200,000 Mysterious No-Grade Blessed Spirit Shot
    (X 1) Paulina Equipment set R-Grade (30-day)
    (x 1) Ertheia’s Rare Accessory (7-day) Pack
    (x 1) Rune of Boundtiful Growth (30-day) Pack
    (x 3) XP Rune I (Lv1-85) 100%: 1hr
    (x 4) XP Rune I (Lv1-85) 200%: 7-day
    (x 4) XP Rune II (Lv1-95) 100%: 7-day
    (x 2) XP Rune III (Lv1-100+) 200%: 7-day
    (x 1) XP Rune III 100% (7-day)
    (x 14) XP Buff 50% 1hr
    (x 2) Drop Rate Rune 200% 7-day Pack
    (x 2) SP Rune 200% Pack 7-day Pack
    (x 30) Vitality Maintaining Potion 1hr
    (x 32) Erupting Vitality XP Potion 1hr
    (x 20) Mysterious Wind Scroll
    (x 4) Chocolate cookie
    (x 1) Cheer Stamen
    (x 20) Party Cake
    (x 2) Assassin's Bamboo Hat (7 -Days) (20-minute Vitality Maintaining Buff (12-hour cool-down))

    Looking at USD$25.
    Interested, please drop me an email, [email protected]
    Payment only via Paypal.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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