Sold Selling WTS: Chronos: Level 97 Tyrr Duelist / 47 Blade Dancer (Usd$25)

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by rifter1978, 11/19/16.

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  1. rifter1978

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    Level 97 Tyrr Duelist
    Level 47 Blade Dancer

    Shadow Dualsword (+0)
    Immortal Helm (Defense Type/Heavy)
    Immortal Breastplate (Defense Type/Heavy)
    Immortal Gaiter (Defense Type/Heavy)
    Immortal Gauntlet (Defense Type/Heavy)
    Immortal Boot (Defense Type/Heavy)

    Talisman: Hellfire
    La Vie En Rose's Brooch 2 slot
    Jewellery Level 1 Pearl
    169,240 R-grade Soul-Shots
    (x 3) XP Rune I (Lv1-85) 100%: 1hr
    (x 4) XP Rune I (Lv1-85) 200%: 7-day
    (x 4) XP Rune II (Lv1-95) 100%: 7-day
    (x 2) XP Rune III (Lv1-100+) 200%: 7-day
    (x 2) Drop Rate Rune 200% 7-day Pack
    (x 1) SP Rune 200% Pack 7-day Pack
    (x 10) Vitality Maintaining Potion 1hr
    (x 22) Erupting Vitality XP Potion 1hr
    (x 10) Mysterious Wind Scroll
    (x 4) Chocolate cookie
    (x 4) XP Buff 50% 1hr
    (x 2) Assassin's Bamboo Hat (7 -Days) (20-minute Vitality Maintaining Buff (12-hour cool-down))

    192,617 Mysterious No-Grade Soulshot
    200,000 Mysterious No-Grade Blessed Spirit Shot
    (X 1) Paulina Equipment set R-Grade (30-day)
    (x 20) Vitality Maintaining Potion (1-hour)
    (x 1) Cheer Stamen
    (x 20) Party Cake
    (x 1) Rune of Boundtiful Growth (30-day) Pack

    Looking at USD$25. Interested, please drop me an email, [email protected]
    Payment only via Paypal.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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