Sold Selling WTS Blood Blade account Unique

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yatsushi, 9/17/17.

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  1. Yatsushi

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    Internal Skill :

    Royal Guard : - Seven-Kill Sutra 36
    -Dark-heaven Code 49
    - Hell Soul Changing Skill 49
    Blood blade : Blood Blade Heart 59

    Martial arts :
    RG : - Soul Chasing Claw 11
    - Eagle Claw Fist : 7-11
    - Blood Killing Knife Skill most 6-8 and parry lvl 2 and break 4
    Blood blade : Blood blade

    tai chi ancient : -open tai chi lvl 3 and bubble lvl 3

    cash shop : Heart Boudha Palm lvl 10
    -drunken master lvl 1 (lvl 3)

    Jianghu : -Eight Tactics lvl 5-8
    -Eight Diagram Blade lvl 1
    -Crazed Demon Staff lvl 2-6
    -Arhat Fist lvl 3-6 ( all skill can be up lvl 6)

    important skill : Turn weapon Around lvl 4, Circle the Moon Three Times lvl 4, Pegasus flying in the sky lvl 4
    BV spike : most important skill lvl 4

    Meridian :

    RG : 180
    Blood blade : 180
    Shaolin : 144
    Tangmen : 180
    Sholars : 144
    Wudang : 144
    Beggar : 144
    Wonderer's Valley : 144
    Emei : 108

    I have got 6 Monthly Sign Gift to up meridians

    Weapon manuals :
    Bare-handed +244
    Blade +194
    Hidden Weapon +244

    - Head C6 jade Yang
    -Necklace C6 jade Yang
    -Clothes C6 Jade Yang
    -Wrist C6 gold yang +10 open tai chi / Wrist C4 jade yang
    -Pants : C6 gold yang / Pants C4 jade yang
    -Shinguard C6 jade
    -Boots C6 jade
    -Earrings C5 jade
    -Earring C6 gold / earring C4 jade
    -2 rings c6 gold / 2 rings C4 jade

    weapon :
    -twin spikes c6 gold
    -saber C6 gold / saber C4 jade
    -short staff C6 gold

    + 250 five aggregates + 200 Blood token + market alt with many materials(3D5), black jade powder, all jade C4 stuff +5D5)

    pm me for offer
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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