Sold Selling WTS Blademaster lvl 47 on Tidewater EU Explorerpackage

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Painting, 3/21/17.

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  1. Painting

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    Hey guys,

    like stated in the title, I want to sell my Blademaster lvl 47. 45k Gearscore ONLY WITH 41 Gold Weapon Primary and Second upgrade, the other equipment is purple/blue clean stuff.
    The account offers 2 sites of casual stuff that you get through out the game like restats and so on. On the pictures you can see I own around 49k+ Imperial Coins, 74k+ Bronze Shards and 103k+ Imperial Coins and some more worthful stuff shown at the first picture.
    I sell the account with it´s confirmation email.

    Feel free to leave offers :)
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