Selling WTS BD male ACC surpass

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by midogawad, 10/3/16.

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  1. midogawad

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    LVL 54 ATS
    LVL 54 MT hua
    LVL 30 chaiotic
    LVL 27 RG 5th

    jade Yang gear Class 5+4 missing poison bracer only
    chef blade + flute
    blacksmith twin blades

    180 WV
    180 WD
    180 ATS
    180 scholars (needs leveling)
    180 MT hua (needs leveling)
    tang 108
    rest 144

    sura blade lvl 6+10
    curled lvl 6
    mt hua 2nd set lvl 5+6
    perish blade lvl 4+5

    300 five aggregats
    200 broken swords
    1 raw jade for jade gear
    12m cult points pills
    12 monthly sign in tokens (get the rest school merdians to max when released)

    the account was planned to go to bbc and max inner but got buzzy in real-life

    selling cheap around 150$
    also WTS 11D

    send me mail on [email protected]
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