Selling Wts bd acct unique atc combo lvl 10 blood sea demon blade pull & rage

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FKSnail, 9/25/16.

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  1. FKSnail

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    Account in disguise at Mt Hua Sect and has the following:


    ATCF - 5 skills - Rage level 10
    Blood Sea Demon Blade - Rage lvl 3, Pull lvl 3


    All 8 school meridians at Maxed 180
    Reverse Meridians at Maxed 180 - ATS, Changfeng, Mt Hua


    Scholars 5th inner - Maxed
    Jianghu - AWE, PT, Icy, Taoist, Sunset - all unlocked to lvl 36

    Weapon manuals:

    Barehand - Maxed 1000/1000
    Single Sword - Maxed 1000/1000
    Dual Sword - Maxed 1000/1000
    Blade - Maxed 1000/1000
    Single Dagger - Maxed 1000/1000
    Twin Dagger - 512/512
    Hidden Weapon - 512/512
    Dual Blades - 512/512
    Staff - 74/512
    Quarter Staff - 512/512


    Disguise Trick the enemy - Max lvl 4
    Emei Bubble - Lvl 4
    Beast Villa Speed skill lvl 7, unlocked to lvl 10
    ATS Jade Maiden 2nd skill set - Max lvl 10
    Mt Hua 1st skill set - lvl 8-9, all unlocked to Max lvl 10
    Scholars leisure Kicks - Max lvl 10
    Scholars spin to win and Plum - Max lvl 10
    Advanced Fly skills all Maxed

    Cash Sets:
    9p - All skills maxed lvl 10
    Buddha Heart Palm - maxed lvl 10
    Curled Branch - maxed lvl 10
    8 Trigrams - skills at lvl 8 - 10.. All unlocked to 10

    All Class c6 Jade
    Weapons c6 Jade - Chef Flute, Chef Twin Sword, Chef Single Blade

    Bird, Monkey

    Twin Sword - Hanbi Sheath
    Single Sword - Zhenwu Sword Sheath
    Single Blade - Nightstalker Blade

    Outfits - Red Fince Mink (White) Inexorable Stealth Raiment (Ninja outfit)

    Other Items:
    6.4 Ding
    2 AWE Frags
    2 Copy Frags
    19 Jade Powders
    3200 Yang Swords
    6700 Five Aggregates Books
    1100 Lucky Tokens
    20 Demon Pills

    Price USD 800 ... Payment only with Paypal
    More info contact me at email - [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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